
 Character design exercises -Notes

This are my note regarding the photoshop exercises that I did during my Friday Digital Lessons. First we looked at some of the works of other character designers and character animators as well as recommended websites such as Pictoplasma and it's sister site Pictofolio.
And though I wasn't mentioned I would also recommend ArtStation.

I also listed some character design tips:

1.Exaggerate certain features.
Really pushing certain feature can make more much more unusual and eye-catching design. 

2.Look at real people for inspiration.
Look at people around you. What makes them interesting? what is their story? try and doodle the people passing by your window, not only will it help with character design but your getting anatomy lessons for free!

3.Try to reference multiple sources.
If have idea for a character but don't have an idea on what they should look like then there's no shame in looking up other artists for ideas. Take photos, make moodboards and don't limit yourself to just other character designs but look towards other topics of interest like fashion, architecture, mythology, biology, etc.

5. Make them appealing.
This doesn't mean that every character as to look 'beautiful' but rather they should be interesting. try and get across something about your character through their design or even surprise your viewers by making your characters have hobbies or interests that juxtapose their design. 

6.Colour and shape.
Use shapes and colours to help convey their personality. For example something red and sharp looks intimidating while something blue and wavy looks calming.  

7. Make it you.
While it's it common practice to look up other works also remember that should shouldn't just copy other peoples work. Your first draft of a character will probably be influenced by something you've seen before so it's important develop your designs. Having your own style is also a good way to stand out so down be afraid for your own little drawing quirks.

 Inside out is a great example of character design as all the characters are designed with a basic shape and colours in mind and yet are instantly recognisable. 

Photoshop exercises-
First exercise was to draw the outline of a dog with just straight lines. This was to show that you can draw lines with the brush tool by holding down the shift key rather doing it manually with the line tool. 

Next was to make a design based on something found in nature. I choose this design based on the sea angel.

Next task we had to draw a character using the continuous line method. Then we would colour in the characters using the magic wand tool and select the blank spaces between the lines. This allowed for easy block colouring without damaging the linework.

Once I got home I just had to to do a better job of the dog drawing.


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